What Is Apple’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP)?

In this blog post, we will discuss the top 5 ways that Apple’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) will impact e-commerce advertising:

  1. Limited tracking capabilities: One of the main ways that ITP impacts e-commerce advertising is by limiting the ability of third-party companies to track users' online behavior. ITP does this by placing restrictions on the use of third-party cookies, which are commonly used for tracking and targeting users online. This makes it more difficult for advertisers to target and track users, which will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of online advertising campaigns.
  2. Decreased targeting accuracy: Another way that ITP impacts e-commerce advertising is by decreasing the accuracy of user targeting. Without the ability to track users' online behavior, it becomes more difficult for advertisers to understand users' interests and preferences, which makes it more difficult to target them with relevant ads. This leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of online advertising campaigns, as users may be less likely to engage with ads that are not relevant to them.
  3. Increased use of first-party data: As a result of ITP, e-commerce advertisers need to rely more on first-party data in order to target and track users online. First-party data is data that is collected directly from the user, such as data from website analytics or from user registration forms. Businesses need to invest in technologies and platforms that enable them to collect and use first-party data for targeting and tracking users. (Note: Revenue Roll’s platform has a foundation of first party data captured via server-side tracking.)
  4. Increased focus on user engagement: ITP also leads to an increased focus on user engagement as a way to track users online. Instead of relying on third-party cookies to track users, e-commerce advertisers will need to focus on engaging users through other means, such as email marketing or social media advertising. This will lead to a shift in the way that e-commerce businesses approach online advertising, with a greater emphasis on building relationships with users rather than simply tracking their behavior.
  5. Greater emphasis on user consent: As the use of third-party cookies becomes more restricted, e-commerce advertisers will need to be more transparent about their data collection practices and obtain explicit consent from users in order to track and target them online. This will lead to changes in the way that e-commerce businesses approach user privacy and data collection, with a greater emphasis on being transparent and obtaining user consent.
Businesses that rely heavily on third-party cookies should start looking into alternative ways of tracking and targeting users, such as using first-party data, user engagement, and obtaining user consent.

What Is Apple’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP)?

Alek Burk



Apple's Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) aims to protect users' privacy by limiting the ability of third-party companies to track their online behavior. ITP makes it more difficult for advertisers to target and track users, and will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of online advertising campaigns.

In this blog post, we will discuss the top 5 ways that Apple’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) will impact e-commerce advertising:

  1. Limited tracking capabilities: One of the main ways that ITP impacts e-commerce advertising is by limiting the ability of third-party companies to track users' online behavior. ITP does this by placing restrictions on the use of third-party cookies, which are commonly used for tracking and targeting users online. This makes it more difficult for advertisers to target and track users, which will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of online advertising campaigns.
  2. Decreased targeting accuracy: Another way that ITP impacts e-commerce advertising is by decreasing the accuracy of user targeting. Without the ability to track users' online behavior, it becomes more difficult for advertisers to understand users' interests and preferences, which makes it more difficult to target them with relevant ads. This leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of online advertising campaigns, as users may be less likely to engage with ads that are not relevant to them.
  3. Increased use of first-party data: As a result of ITP, e-commerce advertisers need to rely more on first-party data in order to target and track users online. First-party data is data that is collected directly from the user, such as data from website analytics or from user registration forms. Businesses need to invest in technologies and platforms that enable them to collect and use first-party data for targeting and tracking users. (Note: Revenue Roll’s platform has a foundation of first party data captured via server-side tracking.)
  4. Increased focus on user engagement: ITP also leads to an increased focus on user engagement as a way to track users online. Instead of relying on third-party cookies to track users, e-commerce advertisers will need to focus on engaging users through other means, such as email marketing or social media advertising. This will lead to a shift in the way that e-commerce businesses approach online advertising, with a greater emphasis on building relationships with users rather than simply tracking their behavior.
  5. Greater emphasis on user consent: As the use of third-party cookies becomes more restricted, e-commerce advertisers will need to be more transparent about their data collection practices and obtain explicit consent from users in order to track and target them online. This will lead to changes in the way that e-commerce businesses approach user privacy and data collection, with a greater emphasis on being transparent and obtaining user consent.
Businesses that rely heavily on third-party cookies should start looking into alternative ways of tracking and targeting users, such as using first-party data, user engagement, and obtaining user consent.

Bottom Line:

ITP makes e-commerce advertising significantly more difficult. Businesses that rely heavily on third-party cookies should start looking into alternative ways of tracking and targeting users, such as using first-party data, user engagement, and obtaining user consent.

Lucky for you, Revenue Roll saw this coming and our analytics is built to be completely compliant with Apple’s ITP while also maximizing attribution for our subscribers.

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